Natural Mould Removal
Natural Mould Removal |
Mould thrives in damp, humid conditions, the sort of conditions frequently felt across the northern half of Australia and right down the east coast to Sydney! Mould spores present a health hazard, especially for people with respiratory issues such as asthma, and it is best to deal with the problem quickly. Fortunately, there are several natural mould removal options for you to choose from. Avoid using strong and unnecessary chemicals, they create a whole different range of health issues! There are 3 natural products that perform really well. |
Interesting fact 1: mould affects 1 in 3 Australian homes. Exposure to mould can cause serious health issues including asthma, allergies, eczema, chronic fatigue syndrome and many more. Interesting fact 2: When black mould is dead, it goes brown, light brown at best, not white. To whiten the area either repaint once you are sure the mould is dead and the damp issue has been resolved, or use an oxygen whitener such as Abode Laundry Soaker (mixed to a paste if you're cleaning the grout in the shower). Interesting fact 3: Mould only grows when there is persistent moisture. If you suspect mould is an issue in your home, its a good idea to find the source of the water ingress. If you leave the moisture problem it's only a matter of time before mould grows again. If you need an expert to help find the cause of the persistent damp, contact a qualified Building Biologist or a certified IICRC mould remediator. (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification,) |
The first option we recommend is Abode Mould Control Spray.Abode Mould Control is easy to use and totally safe. Just spray the mould affected area and then go and have a cup of tea while the spray kills the mould. After 30 minutes wipe off with a damp microfibre cloth. You may have to have a couple of goes at this, but when the process is so easy that's not a problem, right? The added benefit of Abode Mould Control is that it contains an Oxy whitener to help remove any brown staining left after the mould is dead. Abode is an Australian brand, developed and manufactured in Australia. |
The second option is Livos FungiverFungiver (mould is a Fungi) is more expensive but is a very effective Mould and Mildew Remover. Fungiver will also lighten any staining that has resulted from mould. Part of the Livos range of products, Fungiver is especially formulated to kill mould on ceilings and walls before repainting. (Livos products are made in Germany) |
The third option is Clove Bud OilClove Bud Oil is available in a small 25ml bottle. Clove Bud Oil is particularly useful if you have a leather sofa or chair, leather shoes, bags or jackets that have developed mould. First wipe the mould off the surface with a damp cloth, being careful not to fluff mould spores around. Fold your rag to capture the mould and throw it in the bin. Next put a few drops of clove oil (4-5 drops) on a clean damp cloth, wipe the leather which will spread a thin coat of Clove Oil over the leather which will kill the mould in the process. There is an added bonus of a very yummy fresh smell! You can also put a few drops of clove oil in some water, mix thoroughly and rinse your wash cloth in that, then clean the mould away. Or put the mix in a spray bottle and use as a spray cleaner. Clove oil is also good for removing mould from timber furniture and decorative items. Furniture and artifacts which have come from the tropics seem to develop mould very readily, but are easily cleaned with clove oil. It's wise to do a test patch on leathers and wood to make sure you don’t damage the surface. Both wood and leather benefit from being oiled, they absord a tiny amount of oil and so keep the mould away for some time. Eventually the oil needs to be re-done. We find that doing the Clove Oil clean yearly keeps the mould off our furniture. Oil Garden is an Australian product. |
Other natural ways to deal with mould in your home:There are other ‘common’ remedies for mould, which also work and are part of the natural bicarb soda and vinegar cleaning routine. The basic premise is that acid kills mould. Vinegar is an acid commonly found in most homes (white cleaning vinegar is very cheap but is a very mild acid and may need several repeat applications. Pickling vinegar is a better option (note the stronger smell). Dont waste the 'aged in oak barrels' balsamic vinegar by cleaning with it! Warning: Do NOTmix bleach and vinegar together – it creates toxic chlorine gas.