Transition Timeline - S Chamberlin

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by Shaun Chamberlin

A positive action based approach to the different pathways that will prepare us for an uncertain environmental and societal future. The book takes the reader through scenarios that range from denial to transition vision.

The author considers in detail the key areas of:
- food
- energy
- demographics
- transport and
- health care

This forms part of the 'transition' movement worldwide. Although this is a UK published text, the message is universal in its context. The value of the book is the structured, considered and more importantly practical approach for a community seeking a secure future.

Included is an accessible re-statement of the impacts of peak oil and climate change and the interactions between them. The timeline/schedule format is an important feature that helps the reader understand that decision time is close to having passed, and that more urgency is needed if ground is to be recovered.
