Care and Maintenance of Oiled Wooden Floors in Large areas 


This document is available in a print-friendly pdf format. Download the Care and Maintenance of large oiled floors document



Remain off the floor for 24 hours (at least).

Avoid water totally for the first 4-6 weeks (the longer the better). Only use dry methods of cleaning,ensuring the vacuum cleaner or rotary machine broom (as below) has good bristles. If spillages occur, dry immediately, do not wash floor in the early stages. This is necessary to allow the oil to harden and cure. Light and ventilation aid in the curing process. It may sometimes require many weeks before full strength is achieved.

Place felt protectors under furniture contact points.

To avoid scratches or dents, always lift heavy furniture into place. Do not drag.

Wait for 4-6 weeks before placing mats or rugs down.

If oil "sweats" between boards, remove gently with a

paper towel.



A little sensible care will go a long way. Prevent problems before they occur. The amount of care needed will depend on the area treated, location and maintenance plan.

Do not wash the floor in the early stages.

Immediately remove any liquid spills.

Protect your floor against abrasive dust or grit by placing a quality doormats at the entrance. This helps remove extra dirt from shoes, helping to prevent surface scratching.

After the initial curing time, and for regular cleaning, floors may be wiped over with a slightly damp (not wet) mop.

10 ml (1 tbls) of Livos TRENA PH Neutral Cleaner #556 (Concentrate) to 10 Lt of water is strongly recommended. Avoid higher concentrations. This is a mild and effective cleaner, leaving the oil layer untouched.

One may use the GLANOS Liquid Wax Cleaner #559 (Concentrate) mixed with water every 4th wash to aid in obtaining a sheen to the floor. 10 ml (1 tbls) in 10 lt of water. (This should be alternated with the TRENA)

Do not use excessive water. Use a damp not wet mop.

Avoid abrasive chemical products or harsh microfibre cloths as these will damage the new oil-resinwood




With a Scrubber Drier, e.g. a Kärcher BR 90/140 R or a Nilfisk-Alto S. Fill in TRENA PH Neutral Cleaner into the tank in a ratio of 1:1000. Remove any excess with a wet/dry vacuum if necessary.


RENOVATIONS (if required after the floor has been completed)

It is highly recommended to sand and oil the floors after painting and all trades have finished. If unavoidable, POP 3 paper may be obtained from Australian Flooring Supplies (ph: (03) 9872 4800). This allows the floor to breathe and allow trades to safely work on the surface whilst the paper protects the surface. Alternatively use clean cotton sheets or cardboard cartons (not plastic drop sheets). When this protection is removed vacuum floor with an attachment that has soft bristles and move along the grain of the timber. If this does not remove fine plaster dust, then a final buff with a white pad (non abrasive) may be necessary. Do not wash the floor in the early stages.



If windows or furniture are to be cleaned after the floor has been oiled. Ensure your cleaning contractors are aware that the surface is a natural oil finish and will not tolerate harsh chemical detergents and is sensitive to water in the initial stages. It is strongly advisable to cover the floor with a thick cardboard under where e.g. the windows will be cleaned.



Do not use detergent on the floor.

Do not pour water directly on the floor.

Do not use baking soda, ammonia or abrasive cleaners.

Please be aware that some Micro fibre cloths are extremelyharsh and may strip the nutrients/oil from the flooring. Cotton mops or cloths that may be removed and washed are ideal.



In areas with heavy traffic it is suggested to rejuvenate the floor annually. Rejuvenation is easily carried out when the floor either looks too dry or does not repel water. No sanding is required therefore no dust is created. For rejuvenation applications and hints please see our REJUVENATION OF TIMBER FLOORS document.


"Our information is given in good faith and is based on results obtained from experience and tests. However, as the workmanship is beyond our control, all recommendations and suggestions are made without guarantee."