Local Food: How to make it happen.

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Local Food: How to make it happen by Tamzin Pinkerton and Rob Hopkins.

So you buy your vegetables as locally as possible, eat organic and seasonal food whereyou can, and are perhaps even coming to grips with managing an allotment. However, asthe scale of the recession and rising fuel prices start to be keenly felt, you may bewondering what else you can do to help foster local food and reduce dependence on theglobal market.Local Food offers an inspiring yet practical guide to what can be achieved if you gettogether with the people on your street, the people in your village, town or city. Itexplores a huge range of initiatives for rebuilding a diverse, resilient local food network,including community gardens, food co-operatives and Community SupportedAgriculture schemes even the creation of local currencies to support local foodproduction and includes all the information you will need to get projects started.Drawing on the practical experience of Transition initiatives and other communityprojects around the world, Local Food demonstrates the power of working collaboratively.In todays culture of supermarkets and food miles, an explosion of activity at communitylevel is urgently needed. This book is the ideal place to start.
